Bruno Silva

Nurse Practitioner

My name is Bruno Silva. I am a nurse practitioner who has helped manage patient psychiatric conditions for several years. I have experience working in several psychiatric outpatient settings, as well as in inpatient settings at Utah Valley Hospital and Salt Lake Behavioral Health. My educational path started at Utah Valley University, where I obtained two degrees in business management. I then moved on to Roseman University and obtained an undergraduate degree in nursing. I followed that up with my nurse practitioner licensure and graduate degree at United States University in San Diego, California. I am a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Most recently, I obtained a graduate degree from the University of Utah in business creation.

My mission, which is in line with Smile Psychiatry’s mission, is to ensure each and every patient feels, valued, heard, and understood. I do not want my patients to feel like they are being rushed through visits or pushed out of the meeting. Fostering an atmosphere that allows for patients to be comfortable and open allows for optimal patient-provider collaboration, which is at the core of what we do at Smile Psychiatry. Patients can expect careful and meticulous decision making regarding their diagnoses, medication management, and other interventions when working with me or other Smile Psychiatry providers. 

I am a husband to my beautiful wife and father to my two daughters. As a family, we love to enjoy new experiences together – close to home or far from it. I have a deep interest in human psychology and I enjoy reading books on the topic from authors such as Viktor Frankl, Marcus Aurelius, and Christopher Palmer, MD. My interests also include seeking information on creating the optimal environment (exercise, nutrition, etc.) in our bodies, which, of course, are connected to our psyches. Other areas of interest are world history, snorkeling, every sport under the sun, playing the ukulele, marketing, camp fires, deep conversations with interesting people, cars, and the mysteries of outer space and the universe. 

Convenient Telehealth Appointments

All appointments are done via Telepsychiatry from the convenience of your home or private space.